Thursday, December 24, 2015

Friday, May 16, 2014

F**K FEAR!!!!

           Fear is an internal opponent we battle with constantly.We are fearful of everything. What is fear? Why are we so afraid? Fear is an unpleasant, sometimes strong emotion caused by an anticipation or awareness of danger.That is the definition according to Webster‘s dictionary.  Why does fear stop us from pursuing our dreams? We fear the opposite sex, we fear traveling, or we fear change. You become fearful of taking a risk because of failure.  
 As kids our biggest fear was the boogeyman or the dark. My biggest fear was dolls that looked like Chucky and clowns. As of now I still have fears as an adult. Just like everyone else financial fear or fear of the unknown. We all have fears it‘s just a matter of conquering those fears to eventually change the game. What is your biggest fear?  
Rather than you focusing on positive possibilities of success, you envision the possibilities of failure. Fear of failure and fear of rejection can be greatly incapacitating. Fear is simply taught. Fear is taught by our parents as were growing up so, were cautious of everything.  The media puts fear in our hearts on a day to day basis. We become fearful of the consequences so we stay away from certain things. As a result most of us are fearful to take a risk because of the possibilities of rejection. Fear is mostly social, and social fear is absolutely normal.
Think about the last time you were afraid. What hold did it have on you? Did it keep you from moving forward? We hear the cliché lines of facing your fears. How many of us really face our fears. You have to identify what you‘re afraid of, and take action. Focus on your positive attributes. Failure and criticism is not the end of the world. There are so many things in the world to be terrified of, but constantly focusing on fear isn‘t going to change a thing.
You decide your fate in life no one else does. We tend to focus on what others think about us. Would it be the end of the world if you failed? What if you succeeded? These are questions we have to ask ourselves. Failure comes with the territory. So what if you failed! There will be another day to try again. Think about the possibilities if you succeeded.
Think about all the fears we have. Fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of change, fear of decision making, and fear of success is what hinders us the most. What‘s your fear? Worrying, self doubt, and anxiety are all cousins of fear. You have to confront your fear, and accept the things you can‘t change. In the game of life fear is what will keep you from achieving any goal.
    Fear is a normal human reaction and it can be controlled. It certainly can be overcome. You can release fear by gaining knowledge and using strategies. Fear is logged in our memory or the long term memory. We have no obvious access. It‘s easily retrieved unconsciously and then brought into our consciousness.
Fear is just a figment of your imagination. There like dreams we have, but seemingly real. What can I do to escape this disillusion? We must come to the realization that fears have no impact on our reality and future. They have more of an impact on our lives. Fear has a tendency to pull you away from great opportunities, and back into your comfort zone. When you let fear set in you are breeding insecurity. That is simply showing a lack of confidence within you.
You second guess every decision, and this slows you down from achieving those goals. If you let fear be a dominating force in your life then that can be a distraction from allowing you develop talents and abilities that could assist you in attaining your goals. Most people are comfortable and content with there current life that stepping out of there comfort zone brings a great deal of uncertainty. There fearful of change.
             People with the fear of failure tend to procrastinate on new goals. This behavior is self sabotaging. People sabotage themselves and don‘t even realize it. You‘re your worst critic.
―Why not remind yourself of your greatest achievements. Try speaking to your subconscious mind. If you‘re great at something just remind yourself. Try patting yourself on the back so to speak. If you‘re a great artist, or a great writer remind yourself.
The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
                                                                                        Nelson Mandela, autobiography
        Self sabotage is the unconscious action aimed at removing the threat of change. Are you sabotaging yourself? Fear of success can be intimidating. It can expose weaknesses, and flaws and limitations can be seen. Self sabotage is a defense mechanism. For some success can bring more responsibility, and there are questions of what will my life be like if I succeed?
―What if I fail? A false imagination of future success can also urge us to self sabotage.
Take on the challenge of fear. Feel that fear and move forward anyway. Once again accept failure is part of success. Compete with yourself. Try to be better then you were the year before. Plan to succeed and know that you will. Remember change is within you. Once you overcome fear, success is a mile away. Don‘t let fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.
What could you do differently? What did not work and why? Is there a better path for you to travel down?
Where you are at this very moment is all that matters. Try to stay focused on your own situation, needs and dreams without worrying about what other people are doing. A lot can be said for gratitude movement- focusing on your own successes and what you have in your life is the path to joy. When you switch that focus to what others may have or be doing you take a detour that will not end well. The reality of other people‘s situations is not transparent so your desires and jealousies are not even based on the full picture. The family with the luxury cars and a large house may be deeply in debt. The woman who seems to have it all may be lonely while her husband works 90 hour weeks so they can have those nice material possessions. What are your values and goals? Those are the key questions you can use to direct your path.
Perfectionism is often the biggest roadblock we face. Too many people feel that if they can‘t deliver 100% with everything right and just so, then they should abandon the idea completely.  So, overcome your fear, and live life to the fullest.